Friday, June 5, 2020

Impact of Conflict on International Security and the Laws Frame - 6600 Words

Impact of Conflict on International Security and the Laws' Frame of Dealing with These Conflicts: Conflicts in Iraq since 2003 to Present (Dissertation Sample) Content: Impact of Conflict on International Security and the Laws Frame of Dealing with These Conflicts: Conflicts in Iraq since 2003 to PresentChapter 3: Research Methods, History and Context of ISISChapter 3: Research MethodsThis section provides a guide to the researcher on how to conduct the research and gain substantial information that will assist in gaining the insights of the matter in question. Research methodology is a discipline of science that highlights the procedures through which researchers explore in their guest of stating, explaining and forecasting phenomena (Neuman, 2013). In designing the research method, researchers need to consider several factors in order to settle on the suitable method. There are two approaches to choose in methodology. Whether your research will focus on tangible data such as figures, you employ a quantitative approach. If the research focuses on intangible data, the approach that the research will employ is qualitative.3.0.1 Resear ch designThis research aims to use qualitative approach in its design. This method is suitable because the research aims to identify the impact of conflict on international security and therefore there are no quantity data to substantiate. Qualitative approach will explore the use of secondary sources and case study. Secondary sources or secondary data will involve gathering of data from previously documented research articles, official reports, magazines and journals (Taylor, Bogdan DeVault. 2015). This research aims to use at least 100 sources of secondary data that links the international safety to conflicts in the Middle East. The specific case study will be on ISIS in Iraq.3.0.2 Area of studyThe main objective of this study is to identify the impact of conflict on international security. This objective will involve the causes or origin of conflicts, the most targeted groups and the origin. Since this research will mostly dwell on terrorism. The nature of terrorism has over tim e been associated with a specific religion but that has changed over time, the terror group is experiencing an increase number of non-Muslims who are joining the group. This specific class of religion is majorly found in one section of the world, the Middle East or the Islamic states, though some can be found in almost all over the continent. This study will therefore emphasize on the Middle East and especially Iraq.3.0.2 Population of the studyThe target population for this research is set to include Muslims and not just Muslims but Muslims who have been radicalized into terrorism in Iraq. It also seeks to identify the non-Muslims who have joined the group and the courses that make them decide to join the group. In this research, all the accessible secondary data will revolve around terrorists, the Al Qaeda, Al Shabab and ISIS.3.0.3 Sample sizeSince this will involve the use of secondary data, the sample size should be at least 100 sources of data. Having a wide range of sources i s important for the proper reality on the state of ISIS condition in Iraq. Sources are a product of several authors and researchers and therefore it provides a wide view of the real situation.3.0.4 Data analysisAfter the sources of data have been identified and collected, it becomes the researchers duty to extract the information and compile them to form part of this research. Compiling will form part of the conclusions, findings and recommendations of this research (Flick.2015, 1).3.1 Case Study: ISIS in IraqISIS is an abbreviation and it stands for Islamic States of Iraq and Syria. They are at times called the ISIL (Islamic State of Iraq and Levant). It derives its name from the IS (Islamic States). This group is a Sunni Islam terrorist organization that has claimed several lifes of innocent people around the world. The organization came in to limelight and known between the year 2012 and 2014. The emergence is articulated to have been as a result of the Syrian civil wars. The org anization is said to be spear headed by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. The terrorist militia used to operate under the confines of their territory. However, due to the military invasion of Iraq and Syria, which was aimed at disbanding the terrorist group, the terror group shifted gears to international terror. They now organize terror attacks all over, they claim responsibility of almost all the ingenious act of terror that are executed anywhere. They do so through mules who are specifically coordinated and motivated to strike attacks anywhere (Yin, 2011, 10).The organization never spares any one in their act of terror, cases of brutal murder of humanitarian workers, journalists and human rights advocates are reported each single day. Humanitarian workers are responsible to offer aid to the injured civilians, on the other hand journalist dread their life has to cover the situation in the ground while human activist strive to protect the lives of the innocent, they do not take part in fightin g. All the same, they are being hunted and killed by ISIS. A report by (Cronin. 2015, 87), indicates that a total of over 2,500 western Europeans have been radicalized and shifted to Iraq and Syria to join IS during the year ended 2014 alone.The actions of IS and its leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi has sent tremors across the worlds governments. The leaders are almost short of choices to tame this menace. The act of executing sporadic attacks is a threat to a national security and therefore most leaders have been reluctant to fight IS. The other benefiting factor being on the large territorial controls, IS controls an extensive large area of the Middle East, with an occupancy of 8 million people, the group does not follow any international law and therefore they rule their subscribers in their own set conditions and rules (Hancock Algozzine. 2016, 2). This gives the IS the protection, power and wealth. Due to this set of conditions, IS are structured in a way that not even the most org anized legal organization can reach its standard. The structure is guided by a strict adherence to their law, failure to follow results to a consequence whose result is known only to the death. The motivation behind the membership is purely scriptural; their interpretation of the Quran brings about all these cruelty. The other form of motivation comes from the huge amount of money that is paid to the members of the group. It is estimated that IS alone is worth over $2 billion. The source of this wealth comes from illegal trades such as kidnapping, illegal sale of fuel, smuggling of contraband goods and trading in black markets selling stolen valuables.For one to understand full on how ISIS came to existence, a broad view of in depth analysis is crucial. The first focus needs to begin with the background check, which refers to the specific situations that underline terror. The other focus is on the ideological view, which simply relate to the set of thoughts that are identified with Islamic religion and finally the modified structure on the origin which refers to how the IS identifies themselves with the onset of terror. IS surely is under the criteria of former terror group Al Queada if not the split of it. The basic strategy that IS employs to those countries that are trying to fight it like the US and Russia is to shift the attacks to the West. As these countries use their sophisticated weapons to burst them out of Iraq and Syria through air and ground, the terrorist opt for slow and undetected ways to revenge. The classical example is on the attack in Paris (Cronin.2015, 85).On a report produced by the central intelligence agency, CIA in September 2014 and Aug. 2015 adopted assessment of the Islamic State group, it estimated that the group has a total of 20,000 to 31,500 fighters who are distributed all over the states. As a result of the war between the US and the ISIS group, an estimated 50 million people have fled their homes to become refugees. This num ber is way above those who were displaced during the World War 11. It is clear that Islamic State is becoming a neo generational problem to the continent. In this case, ISIS is here to stay unless the world makes haste to fight it with power and might (Laub Masters. 2016, 10). 3.2 Historical Review of ISISThis section seeks to provide a chronological order of how the IS of Syria and Iraq developed to what it is now, the reasons why it existed, what are its intentions and the logic behind why it executes such horrible violence. In order to explain this we ought to take a time history. The terror group is traced of its inception at around 1989 to 1999, even thought it was not classified as IS, instead Al Qaeda, the group traces its inception to then (Howard, 2010, 10). Before then there had never been an incidence of terror attack anywhere in the world. There was a reason for the inception of Al Qaeda. In 1979, the US invaded Afghanistan and the foundation of Al Qaeda was laid (Hashim. 2014, 65). It came about as a shocker to most Muslim nations, how absurd that nations however super power it can be to meddle with the business of another nation. That was what it rang in the heads of most Muslims (McCants McCants, 2015). The invasion actually came as a concerted effort to remove bad leaders governing the Afghan state at the time. At the point Osama bin Laden being aggravated with the actions of the United States actions decided to mobilize a group of youths especially those who were radical and together came up with the idea of Al Qaeda. Following the withdrawal of the US forces from Afghanistan a decade later, the afghan leadership was left to a manipulated form of regime, it is manipulated because the government was just there to be seen and act on orders coming from the United States. That never stopped the war. Following the subsequent year, Ahma...

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